Catherine Leary - Holistic and Complementary Therapies in West Cumbria

You will find various therapies providing a natural way of healing to improve or maintain health and wellbeing.

Sometimes therapies are called complementary therapies as they can be useful to combine together e.g. Indian Head Massage combined with Reiki.

Therapies can also be known as holistic, anything holistic or complementary brings balance and harmony.

The word “Holistic” comes from the Greek “Holos” meaning whole.

This describes the way in which the whole person, as an individual is viewed by the therapist; consideration is given equally to the physical (body), mental (mind), emotional (feeling), and spiritual/soul needs of the person.

The holistic principle of core “life force” has been recognised in many cultures throughout history, disruption to this life force leads to disease, illness, unhappiness.

This “life force” has many references to the energy here are some examples:

  • The Chinese – “Chi” or “Qi”
  • The Egyptians -“Ka”
  • In Hinduism and Yoga -“Prana”
  • Ayurveda derived from ancient Hindu Sanskrit text has been used over three thousand years. The key principles are the elements ether, air, fire, water and earth which underlie all living systems. These vital elements are present within the body known as “doshas”- vata, pitta, and kapha. Vata formed from the air and ether, Pitta from fire and water. Kapha from water and earth. The imbalance of “doshas” leads to the disruption of life force “prana”. This energy enters the body through food and breath.
  • In Homeopathic practice the health and wellbeing of a person is their “vital force”. Remedy/remedies are given to resonate with the vital force helping the person to better health or stabilising good health.
  • In Shamanic practice illness is believed to derive from soul loss or power loss. Shamanism is the oldest practice, it is not a religion but a way of experiencing the world.

A disruption of or to the “life force” can cause illness and this website provides information on the various therapies that I practice which can be helpful. These are as follows, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Indian Head Massage, Homeopathy, Essence Vibrational Healing, and Therapeutic Shamanism.

Indian Head Massage

Holistic and Complementary Therapy

An ancient Ayurvedic form of healing, probably one of the oldest recorded medical systems in existence.  A wide variety of massage movements are used on the shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face. The client can remain dressed if they wish although the use of oils are recommended.

  • Head massage improves strength and growth of hair.
  • Releases shoulder and neck tension.
  • Reduces muscular and nervous tension.
  • Reduces headaches and eye strain.
  • Flushes out physical and emotional toxins.
  • Promotes relaxation.
  • Increases energy levels.

Appointments available at The Senhouse Centre to book telephone 07753988719.


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Homeopathy is complementary medicine.

A natural safe form of medicine with no side effects. It can be used to treat many ailments. Remedies are prescribed for individuals not for diseases. They stimulate the body’s own healing encouraging physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Homeopathy meaning “omio”- same and “pathos”-suffering.

The system of healing was first practiced by Hippocrates (Greek physician) the stimulation of the body’s healing power from minute, diluted amounts of a substance that can cause symptoms of a particular illness. “Like cures like” the modern founder of homeopathy was Samuel Christian Hahnemann (1755-1843).

Consultations available at The Senhouse Centre; Telephone; via Zoom.

Therapeutic Shamanism

Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice, based on a personal connection with the sacred, with nature. Therapeutic Shamanism is where shamanism and psychotherapy overlap.

The practitioner uses core principles of respect, empathy, gentleness, honesty, awareness, empowering and enabling the client recover their wholeness.

Shamans believe illness is caused by lack of power or a soul loss. To retrieve the parts the shaman “journeys” to the beat of a drum/rattle.

Therapeutic shamanism is used for personal healing, help with life issues, raising awareness, personal and spiritual development.

Symptoms of soul loss are many including:-

  • A sense of being incomplete
  • Something is missing
  • Feelings of numbness or flatness
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Apathy and indifference
  • A sense of being disconnected from life
  • Depression
  • Feeling lost
  • Indecisive and aimless
  • Procrastination
  • Lack of self-belief and confidence
  • Having a strong inner critic who puts you down and is always on your back
  • Phobias
  • Anxieties
  • Fearfulness
  • Missing memories
  • Addictions
  • A sense of never recovered from a past event
  • Repeatedly returning to a person, location or behaviour that is unhealthy for you
  • Inability to move on from an issue or event
  • Finding it hard to (re)invest in the future with enthusiasm and optimism
  • Feelings of grief, fear, anger, or rage that you cannot seem to shake off
  • Feelings that soul retrieval might help.

One to One appointments available, in person at The Senhouse Centre in Whitehaven or via zoom……To book contact Catherine 07753988719.

Therapeutic Shamanism workshops and Local drumming and journeying available dates on workshop page. Monthly meetings at The Yoga Studio, Whitehaven. Womankind gatherings at The Gather Ennerdale and Full moon workshops via zoom.

Crystal Therapy

Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Crystal therapy is the practice of using various crystals, gem stones and elixirs and various techniques working with chakras and aura, the biomagnetic field.

The healing properties of crystals have been used to help bring balance and healing since ancient times. The mineral kingdom has developed along with the earth and its evolution, a gift of building blocks from mother earth herself.

I offer 3 types of healing which are:

  • Pyramid chakra balance,
  • Wand healing
  • Grid configuration.

Appointments available at The Senhouse Centre.


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Reiki comes from two Japanese words:

  • “Rei”- meaning universal and
  • “Ki” – meaning life force energy.

Reiki was founded by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922.

This universal life force energy flows through all living things. We receive this energy from a number of sources, including sunshine, air and food and can be increased by reiki.

When energy is high, we feel strong and confident, but if it is low we can feel weak, vulnerable and be prone to sickness.

Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique and can be combined with other treatments. The recipient remains fully clothed and relaxes in a comfortable position while the therapist lightly places hands in various positions over the body, each position being held for several minutes. What the recipient feels varies from individual to individual. It can be given to those recovering from surgery, the elderly, the very young and pregnant women.

Appointment’s available at The Senhouse Centre; Telephone; Zoom.


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Dr Bach introduced essences for healing emotional problems.

Essences relate to attitudes of mind and beliefs rather than clinical symptoms, helping people to heal themselves.

You can use essences for the transformation of problems, insight and letting go of difficulties, inner balance and peace, inner growth and development and spiritual development.

There are now many different types of essences made from all over the world.

Essence ranges available with consultation are Alaskan, flower, gem (elixir), and environmental; Bach (English); Bush (Australia); Findhorn (Scottish); Power Animal (Paul Francis); Art/paintings (Catherine/Pam). Mountain’s (Catherine/ Bob).

Consultations available at The Senhouse Centre and via zoom.


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Listening to the healing wisdom

Since 1998 I have studied various therapies, they all encompass working with energy. I use the word “energy” however there are many varied words and names with the same meaning, depending on the language of the therapy/practice. Just in the same way you can have local dialect and meaning.

Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homeopathy. He was translating a book by Dr William Cullen who wrote about Peruvian bark (Latin name-Cinchona) having the ability to cure malaria. Hahnemann experimented and wanted to know for himself if it was possible. He gave the bark to family members and noted the results. This became the first Homeopathic proving. The “proving” is a collection of symptoms. A number of healthy people (provers) take the substance and the data of their symptoms are collected. The common symptoms between the provers are the symptoms that the substance can heal. This is where the “like cures like” meaning comes from in Homeopathy. A homeopaths job is to find/match the remedy that will help the patience symptoms. This method of a group of people taking the substance/remedy is called a classical proving method. There are now many books called “Materia Medica” which list many remedies and there symptoms.

Some two hundred years later The Guild of Homeopaths brought us proving a remedy by meditating. Because the classical way of proving can be time consuming, and cause symptoms, generally people don’t have the time to take off work or make the commitment. A meditative proving doesn’t take as long and fits better with our way of living. Although a general meditative background and practice is beneficial for the best results. The Guild of Homeopaths meditated together bringing new remedies that were proved meditatively. They give an insight to the wider picture of the human energetics and purpose with emphasis on the flow of subtle energy, the auric field, chakras and the esoteric therapeutics.

In more recent years some Shamanic /Homeopathy provings have been made. Shamanism is the original knowledge, a journey or vision quest to ancient wisdom through the direct experience with spirit, an ancient spiritual tradition. This ancient method was not noted/written down as it was about the experience and understanding of being connected, an inner knowing experience and understanding. Unfortunately most of this traditional method was lost due to civilisation; some examples were handed down through generations and gave us herbal wisdom and folklore. A Shamanic/homeopathic method is where the shamanic journey is noted bringing the old traditional way together with the homeopathic noting of symptoms. The shamanic word for proving is called grokking.

Whichever style they each give experience of the substance to be proved. All have been inspiring to me.

The conclusion of the 3 methods of Proving/Groking

In January 2014 I brought together 3 groups to prove the remedy Coal from Haig pit in Whitehaven. I wanted to experiment with the different styles/methods. The classical was started first on the 2nd January, the meditative on the 18th and shamanic on the 19th. The findings were explored separately and together for analysis.

The classical proving. Each prover had a supervisor which they talked to daily about their symptoms. All the supervisors were Homeopaths, all but one prover were homeopaths. The supervisors took notes of the symptoms. The results were mainly about physical symptoms the parts of the body were more noted with the classical provers than the other groups. Dreams, delusions, desires, sensations “as if”, and mind symptoms were all noted more than in the other groups. This could be because the group as a whole had a homeopathic majority and that all supervisors taking the notes were homeopaths so might be more likely to note with homeopathic terms? However the therapeutic notes were put together by one co-ordinator which catalogued the overall notes for a therapeutic reference therefore all notes were equally viewed important. In general the classical proving gave a well balanced view of the remedy with prominent detail relating with the physical body symptoms. My perception and conclusion so far of the classical proving approach encompasses a physical, logical, left brain intelligence which is masculine applying the matter of details in text. The records by the supervisors have a medical authority form about them, a scientific doing approach.

The meditative proving. The group were mainly homeopaths with two provers who were not. Meditatively physical symptoms were noted sometimes with equality to the classical group and in some physical symptoms the meditative provers were very strong and more pronounced than the classical notes. This showed in the therapeutics of the body as a whole and with certain areas of the body. Meditative notes were equal in amount with shamanic notes with regards to some physical symptoms too. With reflection the meditative group resonated prominently with the energetics of the remedy, experiencing the felt sense of the remedy. A bigger picture of the remedy and its energetics became more apparent than at the time of the classical proving. This could be because of the meditative receptive nature of the proving? The meditative approach from my perception and conclusion so far encompasses feminine receptive right brain intelligence. This soft subtle method seems to energetically hold the remedy during the proving, corresponding with the gentle nature which is kinaesthetic. This meditative way obtains the etheric spirit of the remedy. The frequency of the meditative proving was more at ease with spiritual body than the earthy classical method which is more at ease with the physical body.

The Shamanic groking. The group were mainly of shamanic experience with three homeopaths as provers. The group’s findings have the least amount of physical symptoms compared to the classical and meditative findings. Some physical symptoms were equal to classical and meditative but overall out of the groups they were the least recorded. The difference in results with this group was that the symptoms with the most prominence were with the collective conscious picture. The group resonated more on a homeopathic miasmatic level than the others too. This was the last proving done so an even bigger perspective of the remedy could be made with a fuller picture of the psyche. Due to the oversoul connection of coal direct perspective of wisdom and source is given of the remedy. The shamanic approach from my perception and conclusion so far encompasses understanding of inner knowing at a primal soul level. This is spiritual communication with an authentic deep sense of wisdom with the natural and ancestral. A natural grounded level of perception with humanity. The frequency of the shamanic method brings together an acknowledgement of soul and truth. The harmony of the shamanic proving was at ease with the soul body this complimented the classical physical body and meditative spiritual body approach giving a full eclectic remedy picture.

Homeopathy is regarded as being Holistic to consider all parts of the whole. This was why I wanted to explore all the styles of provings. Each individual style was important and productive in its own way just as our own unique presence in the world. Each one connects to the vital force and the empowerment of healing. Hopefully by giving each individual style a collective it can bring a clearer picture for all to share, an understanding that all uniqueness is important. Most importantly that the collective balance and harmony of eclectic knowledge is brought forward. To engage, celebrate the equality of independent uniqueness of style and balance together a unity as one holistic adventure.
At this point I would like to add this impression of the three provings from one of the provers: “A few minutes after taking the traditional proving there was one moment in time in which it seemed as if the full spectrum of symptoms, from physical to spiritual, manifested themselves. It was a microcosm of the macrocosm, and if I had possessed the necessary awareness and the capability to record the experience in sufficient detail, in that single moment, the proving would have been complete.

Apart from that, the energy of the provings reminded me of some spiritual writings that I have been reading recently. These are from the works of Alice Bailey and the Tibetan, who speak of the lower concrete mind on the physical plane, the son of mind- or soul- which is the bridge between spirit and matter; and the higher abstract mind on the spiritual plane. It seemed to me that although the same symptoms ranging from physical through emotional and mental to spiritual manifested in varying degrees in each of the provings, that the emphasis of the traditional proving was on the physical, reminding me of the way in which the lower concrete mind works; while the focus of the meditative proving was on the feelings and emotions, corresponding to the son of mind, or soul; and the focus of the shamanic proving was on the wider implications and thus the interconnectedness of the whole, reminding me of the higher abstract mind.”

The following diagram shows the full circle of development of Homeopathic healing.

The Shamanic approach is the original spiritual approach, our ancestors used for healing they experienced the healing properties of plants using the grokking method. This was handed down through generations.  Originally this pure link with our natural world around us gave all we needed.  We were part of it and the world was part of us.  Consideration was given with a harmonious living. The way of life was more in touch with the earths beating heart. This was lost over time and evolution through civilisation.  Hahnemann gave us the reinvention of shamanism with Homeopathy giving form and meaning with the written word and recording the details.  Therefore shamanic knowledge, herbal wisdom and folklore evolved from sprit to the material, classical.  The meditative brought the divine and the shamanic brings us back to the natural.

A book will be available soon: “ Whitehaven Coal. The Homeopathic Classical, Meditative and Shamanic Proving”.

If you are interested in taking part of any future proving’s please contact Catherine Leary on – 0775 3988 719

+ Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage

Holistic and Complementary Therapy

An ancient Ayurvedic form of healing, probably one of the oldest recorded medical systems in existence.  A wide variety of massage movements are used on the shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face. The client can remain dressed if they wish although the use of oils are recommended.

  • Head massage improves strength and growth of hair.
  • Releases shoulder and neck tension.
  • Reduces muscular and nervous tension.
  • Reduces headaches and eye strain.
  • Flushes out physical and emotional toxins.
  • Promotes relaxation.
  • Increases energy levels.

Appointments available at The Senhouse Centre to book telephone 07753988719.

+ Homeopathy


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Homeopathy is complementary medicine.

A natural safe form of medicine with no side effects. It can be used to treat many ailments. Remedies are prescribed for individuals not for diseases. They stimulate the body’s own healing encouraging physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Homeopathy meaning “omio”- same and “pathos”-suffering.

The system of healing was first practiced by Hippocrates (Greek physician) the stimulation of the body’s healing power from minute, diluted amounts of a substance that can cause symptoms of a particular illness. “Like cures like” the modern founder of homeopathy was Samuel Christian Hahnemann (1755-1843).

Consultations available at The Senhouse Centre; Telephone; via Zoom.

+ Therapeutic Shamanism

Therapeutic Shamanism

Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice, based on a personal connection with the sacred, with nature. Therapeutic Shamanism is where shamanism and psychotherapy overlap.

The practitioner uses core principles of respect, empathy, gentleness, honesty, awareness, empowering and enabling the client recover their wholeness.

Shamans believe illness is caused by lack of power or a soul loss. To retrieve the parts the shaman “journeys” to the beat of a drum/rattle.

Therapeutic shamanism is used for personal healing, help with life issues, raising awareness, personal and spiritual development.

Symptoms of soul loss are many including:-

  • A sense of being incomplete
  • Something is missing
  • Feelings of numbness or flatness
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Apathy and indifference
  • A sense of being disconnected from life
  • Depression
  • Feeling lost
  • Indecisive and aimless
  • Procrastination
  • Lack of self-belief and confidence
  • Having a strong inner critic who puts you down and is always on your back
  • Phobias
  • Anxieties
  • Fearfulness
  • Missing memories
  • Addictions
  • A sense of never recovered from a past event
  • Repeatedly returning to a person, location or behaviour that is unhealthy for you
  • Inability to move on from an issue or event
  • Finding it hard to (re)invest in the future with enthusiasm and optimism
  • Feelings of grief, fear, anger, or rage that you cannot seem to shake off
  • Feelings that soul retrieval might help.

One to One appointments available, in person at The Senhouse Centre in Whitehaven or via zoom……To book contact Catherine 07753988719.

Therapeutic Shamanism workshops and Local drumming and journeying available dates on workshop page. Monthly meetings at The Yoga Studio, Whitehaven. Womankind gatherings at The Gather Ennerdale and Full moon workshops via zoom.

+ Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy

Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Crystal therapy is the practice of using various crystals, gem stones and elixirs and various techniques working with chakras and aura, the biomagnetic field.

The healing properties of crystals have been used to help bring balance and healing since ancient times. The mineral kingdom has developed along with the earth and its evolution, a gift of building blocks from mother earth herself.

I offer 3 types of healing which are:

  • Pyramid chakra balance,
  • Wand healing
  • Grid configuration.

Appointments available at The Senhouse Centre.

+ Reiki


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Reiki comes from two Japanese words:

  • “Rei”- meaning universal and
  • “Ki” – meaning life force energy.

Reiki was founded by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922.

This universal life force energy flows through all living things. We receive this energy from a number of sources, including sunshine, air and food and can be increased by reiki.

When energy is high, we feel strong and confident, but if it is low we can feel weak, vulnerable and be prone to sickness.

Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique and can be combined with other treatments. The recipient remains fully clothed and relaxes in a comfortable position while the therapist lightly places hands in various positions over the body, each position being held for several minutes. What the recipient feels varies from individual to individual. It can be given to those recovering from surgery, the elderly, the very young and pregnant women.

Appointment’s available at The Senhouse Centre; Telephone; Zoom.

+ Essences


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Dr Bach introduced essences for healing emotional problems.

Essences relate to attitudes of mind and beliefs rather than clinical symptoms, helping people to heal themselves.

You can use essences for the transformation of problems, insight and letting go of difficulties, inner balance and peace, inner growth and development and spiritual development.

There are now many different types of essences made from all over the world.

Essence ranges available with consultation are Alaskan, flower, gem (elixir), and environmental; Bach (English); Bush (Australia); Findhorn (Scottish); Power Animal (Paul Francis); Art/paintings (Catherine/Pam). Mountain’s (Catherine/ Bob).

Consultations available at The Senhouse Centre and via zoom.

+ Proving/Groking


Holistic and Complementary Therapy

Listening to the healing wisdom

Since 1998 I have studied various therapies, they all encompass working with energy. I use the word “energy” however there are many varied words and names with the same meaning, depending on the language of the therapy/practice. Just in the same way you can have local dialect and meaning.

Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homeopathy. He was translating a book by Dr William Cullen who wrote about Peruvian bark (Latin name-Cinchona) having the ability to cure malaria. Hahnemann experimented and wanted to know for himself if it was possible. He gave the bark to family members and noted the results. This became the first Homeopathic proving. The “proving” is a collection of symptoms. A number of healthy people (provers) take the substance and the data of their symptoms are collected. The common symptoms between the provers are the symptoms that the substance can heal. This is where the “like cures like” meaning comes from in Homeopathy. A homeopaths job is to find/match the remedy that will help the patience symptoms. This method of a group of people taking the substance/remedy is called a classical proving method. There are now many books called “Materia Medica” which list many remedies and there symptoms.

Some two hundred years later The Guild of Homeopaths brought us proving a remedy by meditating. Because the classical way of proving can be time consuming, and cause symptoms, generally people don’t have the time to take off work or make the commitment. A meditative proving doesn’t take as long and fits better with our way of living. Although a general meditative background and practice is beneficial for the best results. The Guild of Homeopaths meditated together bringing new remedies that were proved meditatively. They give an insight to the wider picture of the human energetics and purpose with emphasis on the flow of subtle energy, the auric field, chakras and the esoteric therapeutics.

In more recent years some Shamanic /Homeopathy provings have been made. Shamanism is the original knowledge, a journey or vision quest to ancient wisdom through the direct experience with spirit, an ancient spiritual tradition. This ancient method was not noted/written down as it was about the experience and understanding of being connected, an inner knowing experience and understanding. Unfortunately most of this traditional method was lost due to civilisation; some examples were handed down through generations and gave us herbal wisdom and folklore. A Shamanic/homeopathic method is where the shamanic journey is noted bringing the old traditional way together with the homeopathic noting of symptoms. The shamanic word for proving is called grokking.

Whichever style they each give experience of the substance to be proved. All have been inspiring to me.

The conclusion of the 3 methods of Proving/Groking

In January 2014 I brought together 3 groups to prove the remedy Coal from Haig pit in Whitehaven. I wanted to experiment with the different styles/methods. The classical was started first on the 2nd January, the meditative on the 18th and shamanic on the 19th. The findings were explored separately and together for analysis.

The classical proving. Each prover had a supervisor which they talked to daily about their symptoms. All the supervisors were Homeopaths, all but one prover were homeopaths. The supervisors took notes of the symptoms. The results were mainly about physical symptoms the parts of the body were more noted with the classical provers than the other groups. Dreams, delusions, desires, sensations “as if”, and mind symptoms were all noted more than in the other groups. This could be because the group as a whole had a homeopathic majority and that all supervisors taking the notes were homeopaths so might be more likely to note with homeopathic terms? However the therapeutic notes were put together by one co-ordinator which catalogued the overall notes for a therapeutic reference therefore all notes were equally viewed important. In general the classical proving gave a well balanced view of the remedy with prominent detail relating with the physical body symptoms. My perception and conclusion so far of the classical proving approach encompasses a physical, logical, left brain intelligence which is masculine applying the matter of details in text. The records by the supervisors have a medical authority form about them, a scientific doing approach.

The meditative proving. The group were mainly homeopaths with two provers who were not. Meditatively physical symptoms were noted sometimes with equality to the classical group and in some physical symptoms the meditative provers were very strong and more pronounced than the classical notes. This showed in the therapeutics of the body as a whole and with certain areas of the body. Meditative notes were equal in amount with shamanic notes with regards to some physical symptoms too. With reflection the meditative group resonated prominently with the energetics of the remedy, experiencing the felt sense of the remedy. A bigger picture of the remedy and its energetics became more apparent than at the time of the classical proving. This could be because of the meditative receptive nature of the proving? The meditative approach from my perception and conclusion so far encompasses feminine receptive right brain intelligence. This soft subtle method seems to energetically hold the remedy during the proving, corresponding with the gentle nature which is kinaesthetic. This meditative way obtains the etheric spirit of the remedy. The frequency of the meditative proving was more at ease with spiritual body than the earthy classical method which is more at ease with the physical body.

The Shamanic groking. The group were mainly of shamanic experience with three homeopaths as provers. The group’s findings have the least amount of physical symptoms compared to the classical and meditative findings. Some physical symptoms were equal to classical and meditative but overall out of the groups they were the least recorded. The difference in results with this group was that the symptoms with the most prominence were with the collective conscious picture. The group resonated more on a homeopathic miasmatic level than the others too. This was the last proving done so an even bigger perspective of the remedy could be made with a fuller picture of the psyche. Due to the oversoul connection of coal direct perspective of wisdom and source is given of the remedy. The shamanic approach from my perception and conclusion so far encompasses understanding of inner knowing at a primal soul level. This is spiritual communication with an authentic deep sense of wisdom with the natural and ancestral. A natural grounded level of perception with humanity. The frequency of the shamanic method brings together an acknowledgement of soul and truth. The harmony of the shamanic proving was at ease with the soul body this complimented the classical physical body and meditative spiritual body approach giving a full eclectic remedy picture.

Homeopathy is regarded as being Holistic to consider all parts of the whole. This was why I wanted to explore all the styles of provings. Each individual style was important and productive in its own way just as our own unique presence in the world. Each one connects to the vital force and the empowerment of healing. Hopefully by giving each individual style a collective it can bring a clearer picture for all to share, an understanding that all uniqueness is important. Most importantly that the collective balance and harmony of eclectic knowledge is brought forward. To engage, celebrate the equality of independent uniqueness of style and balance together a unity as one holistic adventure.
At this point I would like to add this impression of the three provings from one of the provers: “A few minutes after taking the traditional proving there was one moment in time in which it seemed as if the full spectrum of symptoms, from physical to spiritual, manifested themselves. It was a microcosm of the macrocosm, and if I had possessed the necessary awareness and the capability to record the experience in sufficient detail, in that single moment, the proving would have been complete.

Apart from that, the energy of the provings reminded me of some spiritual writings that I have been reading recently. These are from the works of Alice Bailey and the Tibetan, who speak of the lower concrete mind on the physical plane, the son of mind- or soul- which is the bridge between spirit and matter; and the higher abstract mind on the spiritual plane. It seemed to me that although the same symptoms ranging from physical through emotional and mental to spiritual manifested in varying degrees in each of the provings, that the emphasis of the traditional proving was on the physical, reminding me of the way in which the lower concrete mind works; while the focus of the meditative proving was on the feelings and emotions, corresponding to the son of mind, or soul; and the focus of the shamanic proving was on the wider implications and thus the interconnectedness of the whole, reminding me of the higher abstract mind.”

The following diagram shows the full circle of development of Homeopathic healing.

The Shamanic approach is the original spiritual approach, our ancestors used for healing they experienced the healing properties of plants using the grokking method. This was handed down through generations.  Originally this pure link with our natural world around us gave all we needed.  We were part of it and the world was part of us.  Consideration was given with a harmonious living. The way of life was more in touch with the earths beating heart. This was lost over time and evolution through civilisation.  Hahnemann gave us the reinvention of shamanism with Homeopathy giving form and meaning with the written word and recording the details.  Therefore shamanic knowledge, herbal wisdom and folklore evolved from sprit to the material, classical.  The meditative brought the divine and the shamanic brings us back to the natural.

A book will be available soon: “ Whitehaven Coal. The Homeopathic Classical, Meditative and Shamanic Proving”.

If you are interested in taking part of any future proving’s please contact Catherine Leary on – 0775 3988 719

View my holistic therapy courses and workshops available within West Cumbria